Breaking News
August 2015 Publication Released
Willan, R.C., Perkins, A.J. & Caiger, P.E. (2015). Boodlea baffles biologists. Sportdiving Magazine 169: 74-76.
The article has been sent to Professor Hamish Spencer for incorporation into the Checklist of the Recent Mollusca Recorded from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (
The article has also been sent to Lisa Marie, Incursion Investigator with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). MPI is interested in any new-to-New Zealand species - plant, animal or disease. They have staff on duty 24/7 for terrestrial and marine reports. If you ever find a new critter or witness a mass mortality event (e.g. fish stranding), phone MPI on 0800 80 99 66. MPI are happy to check things out and have laboratory facilities for investigating suspected diseases. We don't need any more pests in our marine space.
A risk assessment will be performed on Ercolania boodleae to determine if there is any threat to our environment. Many thanks to Lisa from the Surveillance and Incursion Investigation (Animals and Marine) Team, it's great to know they've got our back.
I'm thrilled that this story has had a happy ending. For a while it looked like finding a place to publish this discovery would allude us and we would have no official record. Dr Richard Willan has done a fantastic job writing up this discovery and securing publication in Sportdiving Magazine. Thank you Richard and Paul!